Lavish Worship

Matthew 26:1-16 – Lavish Worship

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Matthew 26:1-16 – Lavish Worship by Pastor David Menard. The Mission Church Carlsbad

When Jesus finishes the Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24-25 He is met with an incredible display of lavish worship. In Matthew 26:1-16 – Lavish Worship is demonstrated by many of Jesus’ followers. Jesus reminded His disciples that He will be crucified at the hands of the chief priests. The scene takes place as Jesus is eating in the home of Simon the Leper. Mary, the sister of Lazarus, comes in and pours an alabaster jar of expensive perfume on Jesus’ head as her expression of lavish worship. Mary gave her best to Jesus! Generosity is the fruit of those who lavish worship on Jesus.

Lavish Worship

Although Mary expresses lavish worship, Jesus’ disciples were critical of her eccentric generosity. A critical spirit often masquerades as righteousness and is the fruit of those who are self-seeking. However, lavish worship and generosity is the fruit of those who worship Jesus. Lavish worship touches God’s heart as He leads us from isolation into community where we seek Jesus together.

Jesus is willing to receive lavish worship as He is the fulfillment of the Old Testament Scriptures; He is the Messiah! Israel had 7 feasts or holy days meant to display lavish worship of God. Passover is the most important feast day focused on the sacrificial lamb and lavish worship for God who delivered them from slavery in Egypt. The second is the feast of Unleavened Bread. The third is the feast of First Fruits, which takes place 3 days after Passover, and is fulfilled in Jesus’ resurrection. The fourth feast fulfilled in Jesus’ 1st coming is the feast of Weeks, which takes place 50 days after Passover; also known as Pentecost when the Holy Spirit fills Jesus’ followers. Jesus fulfills 4 out of the 7 Feasts of Israel in His life, death and resurrection; He is worthy of our lavish worship!

Jesus is only a day away from celebrating the Passover with His disciples and it is the perfume and oil from Mary that would leave a scented reminder of her lavish worship as He suffers through betrayal, trials, scourging and crucifixion. His sovereignty is on display in the crucifixion as He gives up His life willingly. The LORD Jesus is worthy of our lavish worship!
Matthew 26:1-16 – Lavish Worship Video